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picus_literature [2021/05/24 17:05] – [General model application] florianpicus_literature [2021/05/24 17:09] (current) – [Climate Change impacts and adaptation] florian
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 ===== General model application ===== ===== General model application =====
-Lexer, Manfred J., and Karl Hönninger. 1998. “Estimating Physical Soil Parameters for Sample Plots of Large-scale Forest Inventories.” Forest Ecology and Management 111 (2-3) (December): 231–247. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(98)00335-1., Manfred J., and Karl Hönninger. 1998. “Estimating Physical Soil Parameters for Sample Plots of Large-scale Forest Inventories.” Forest Ecology and Management 111 (2-3) (December): 231–247.
-Lexer, Manfred J., Karl Hönninger, and Harald Vacik. 2000. “Modelling the Effect of Forest Site Conditions on the Ecophysiological Suitability of Tree Species: An Approach Based on Fuzzy Set Theory.” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 27 (1-3) (June): 393–399. doi:10.1016/S0168-1699(00)00105-8., Manfred J., Karl Hönninger, and Harald Vacik. 2000. “Modelling the Effect of Forest Site Conditions on the Ecophysiological Suitability of Tree Species: An Approach Based on Fuzzy Set Theory.” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 27 (1-3) (June): 393–399.
-Lexer, M.J. and Karl Hönninger 2004. “Effects of Error in Model Input: Experiments with a Forest Patch Model.” Ecological Modelling 173 (2-3) (April): 159–176. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2003.08.018., M.J. and Karl Hönninger 2004. “Effects of Error in Model Input: Experiments with a Forest Patch Model.” Ecological Modelling 173 (2-3) (April): 159–176.
-Didion, M., a.D. Kupferschmid, M.J. Lexer, W. Rammer, R. Seidl, and H. Bugmann. 2009. “Potentials and Limitations of Using Large-scale Forest Inventory Data for Evaluating Forest Succession Models.” Ecological Modelling 220 (2) (January): 133–147. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.09.021., M., a.D. Kupferschmid, M.J. Lexer, W. Rammer, R. Seidl, and H. Bugmann. 2009. “Potentials and Limitations of Using Large-scale Forest Inventory Data for Evaluating Forest Succession Models.” Ecological Modelling 220 (2) (January): 133–147.
-Huber, M.O., Eastaugh, C.S., Gschwantner, T., Hasenauer, H., Kindermann, G., Ledermann, T., Lexer, M.J., Rammer, W., Schörghuber, S., Sterba, H., 2012. Comparing simulations of three conceptually different forest models with National Forest Inventory data. Environ. Model. Softw. null, 1–10. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.08.003+Huber, M.O., Eastaugh, C.S., Gschwantner, T., Hasenauer, H., Kindermann, G., Ledermann, T., Lexer, M.J., Rammer, W., Schörghuber, S., Sterba, H., 2012. Comparing simulations of three conceptually different forest models with National Forest Inventory data. Environ. Model. Softw. null, 1–10.
-Langner A, Irauschek F, Perez S, Pardos M, Zlatanov T, Öhman K, Nordström E-M, Lexer MJ (2017) Value-based ecosystem service trade-offs in multi-objective management in European mountain forests. Ecosyst Serv 26:245–257. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.03.001+Langner A, Irauschek F, Perez S, Pardos M, Zlatanov T, Öhman K, Nordström E-M, Lexer MJ (2017) Value-based ecosystem service trade-offs in multi-objective management in European mountain forests. Ecosyst Serv 26:245–257.
-Irauschek F, Barka I, Bugmann H, Courbaud B, Elkin C, Hlásny T, Klopcic M, Mina M, Rammer W, Lexer MJ (2021) Evaluating five forest models using multi-decadal inventory data from mountain forests. Ecol Modell. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109493+Irauschek F, Barka I, Bugmann H, Courbaud B, Elkin C, Hlásny T, Klopcic M, Mina M, Rammer W, Lexer MJ (2021) Evaluating five forest models using multi-decadal inventory data from mountain forests. Ecol Modell.
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 Pardos M, Calama R, Maroschek M, Rammer W, Lexer MJ (2015) A model-based analysis of climate change vulnerability of Pinus pinea stands under multiobjective management in the Northern Plateau of Spain. Ann For Sci 72:1009–1021. doi: 10.1007/s13595-015-0520-7 Pardos M, Calama R, Maroschek M, Rammer W, Lexer MJ (2015) A model-based analysis of climate change vulnerability of Pinus pinea stands under multiobjective management in the Northern Plateau of Spain. Ann For Sci 72:1009–1021. doi: 10.1007/s13595-015-0520-7
-Irauschek F, Rammer W, Lexer MJ (2017) Can current management maintain forest landscape multifunctionality in the Eastern Alps in Austria under climate change? Reg Environ Chang 17:33–48. doi: 10.1007/s10113-015-0908-9+Irauschek F, Rammer W, Lexer MJ (2017) Can current management maintain forest landscape multifunctionality in the Eastern Alps in Austria under climate change? Reg Environ Chang 17:33–48.
-Zlatanov T, Elkin C, Irauschek F, Lexer MJ (2017) Impact of climate change on vulnerability of forests and ecosystem service supply in Western Rhodopes Mountains. Reg Environ Chang 17:79–91. doi: 10.1007/s10113-015-0869-z+Zlatanov T, Elkin C, Irauschek F, Lexer MJ (2017) Impact of climate change on vulnerability of forests and ecosystem service supply in Western Rhodopes Mountains. Reg Environ Chang 17:79–91.
-Irauschek F, Rammer W, Lexer MJ (2017) Evaluating multifunctionality and adaptive capacity of mountain forest management alternatives under climate change in the Eastern Alps. Eur J For Res 1–19. doi: 10.1007/s10342-017-1051-6+Irauschek F, Rammer W, Lexer MJ (2017) Evaluating multifunctionality and adaptive capacity of mountain forest management alternatives under climate change in the Eastern Alps. Eur J For Res 1–19.
 Pardos M, Pérez S, Calama R, Alonso R, Lexer MJ (2017) Ecosystem service provision, management systems and climate change in Valsaín forest, central Spain. Reg Environ Chang 17:17–32. doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-0985-4 Pardos M, Pérez S, Calama R, Alonso R, Lexer MJ (2017) Ecosystem service provision, management systems and climate change in Valsaín forest, central Spain. Reg Environ Chang 17:17–32. doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-0985-4
picus_literature.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/24 17:09 by florian